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Tuesday, September 15, 2009


When you play poker, several times you never give much preference to the position at which you are sitting. In fact, there is very much importance of seating position in poker gaming.

Position simply reflects to the place where you are sitting with respect to the button of the dealer. Position has regarded a key factor in several holdem poker games and other type of poker games. Clockwise going system of betting reflects the potentials of your sitting position. You can observe through a favorable position the number of players reacting towards their poker hands whether they opt for folding, betting or raising or even calling prior to your action. This simple idea reveals a poker phrase that ‘position is power’.

Several names are there, which are connected with position for the identification of the sitting positions of the players with respect the button of the dealer. Every particular position comprises of its own weaknesses and strengths.
The worst position subsequent to the flop is for the small blinds, also a half of a bet invested in it.
The big blind constitutes a total bet along with having a poor position as like as the small blind.
Beneath the gun, a player has a pre-flop at worse position and afterwards a junk position.
At the time of any betting round, the best position inclined to the button.

You can visit the glossary of poker gaming if you are not well acquainted with the above terms including under the gun, button, small and big blind etc.

Several factors play a significant role on which your position depends. For example, position is more significant in limit holdem games instead of no-limit holdem games. Thus, you should be in late position so that you would be able to identify the hands, which are generally playable in every position.

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