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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Learn Poker

Learn poker like any subject. It is math, it is psychology, it is a subject of entertainment and it is a subject that if you skillfully master can earn you money! But, before you set out to learn poker you need to set your heart strong for some shameful losses like losing all your chips, feeling bad about having folded with a good hand and many embarrassing sessions.

I do not mean to scare you! I just wanted to say that any kind of learn poker session truly involves not only mugging up the rules, but the real time experiences where you actually apply your skills, which can present you with some mix of exciting and boring experiences.

Truly, I never did make fruitful pots when I just kept with the theoretical part of the poker logics like rank, pairs and stuff. The real turn of my experience as a player was when I took some pain to learn poker from a mathematical point of view by getting to learn some basic applications like figuring out probabilities of winning like calculating the odds with factorial notation and some basic binomial calculations.

When I did set to learn poker in the math way, I were definitely scared and tried to cling to poker calculators, but until I did master the math part I never won! But today, I simply do the n! = n (n-1) (n-2) (n-3)….try it…I swear it is simple!

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