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Friday, September 04, 2009

Poker Chips

Poker chips are stakes of coins that are made out of either clay, metal, plastic or anything else. Every chip has a designated value in terms of money, and these chips are used to betting in the tables.

Why is poker chips used? Poker chips is used instead of money, there are lot of things that can happen in a real money game with players stealing away money if real money is kept on the table. To avoid such confusions, players are provided with poker chips that are equal to their gambling bankroll and the value of the chips won can be easily converted to cash by using specific tokens.

Poker chips plays also an important role in poker tells. The way a person arranges his poker chips in the table has a lot to tell about his style of playing:-
Tight players arrange their stacks in order.
Loose players do not show too much of interest in arranging the stakes in order.
Having just low stakes in a no-re buy game can be an indication that the player has only less stakes to risk and this stands a clue that you can throw such players to exhaustion by betting more stakes than they have.
Monstrous players who are aggressive in betting are likely to purchase more chips than needed.
Loose aggressive players are also likely to purchase more poker chips than they actually need.
An interesting thing to be noted in handling poker chips when handing them in the pot in a bluff is that, inexperienced players tend to shiver when they are bluffing a bad hand in the pot with high poker chips stake.
A repeated arrangement and re-arrangement of the poker chips is a sure indication that the player is quite money conscious and will not wrongly bet their chips.
A repeated arrangement and re-arrangement can also be an indication that they are scare to lose their poker chips with their particular hand.
A repeated arrangement and re-arrangement can also be a matter of self-pride that the player is expecting to win a big pot.

Poker tells and poker chips are closely related provided we know how to interpret the psychology considering other things too. All the above said are clues and not all time happenings. You need to correlate a particular action with several other environmental possibilities considering the over all picture of the poker table.

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